About us...
Leeli Farm was founded in 1914 when Hans Soots, a lawyer who studied in Tartu, married Anna Kanter. Together they purchased quality farm land in what at the time was Pöögle, a municipality in the county of Pärnu. They started growing cattle and cultivating crops, assisting in the growth and prosperity of Estonian agriculture. Throughout the past hundred years, Leeli Farm has passed through 3 family generations and grown into a modern farmstead in what is now the municipality of Karksi. In addition to growing cattle and crops, a new house and bed & breakfast has been built.
Raamatust ''Läbi Venemaa'', mille koostanud kirjanik Jaak Kõdar Anna Sootsi žurnaalist...
Keeran Valga - Uulu maanteelt Leeli puiesteele. Nüüd juba kindlasti sada aastat tagasi istutas noor advokaat Hans Soots oma uue kodutalu väravasse kuuekümne viiest pärnast puiestee. Seda puiesteed mööda tõi ta tallu Sudiste kooliõpetaja tütre Anna Kanteri; seda teed mööda kulges järgneva sajandi jooksul kõik, mis Leeli talus toimus: laste sünd, kolme lapse surm, siitkaudu tõi peremees 200 õunapuuistikut ja rajas maja taha hiigelõunaaia. Siitkaudu tuli tallu traktor, sõitsid Viljandimaa esimesed autod. Siitkaudu tulid ka need, kes viiekümneks aastks purustasid talu elu, viisid Siberisse perenaise - kümne lapse ema Anna Sootsi. Kahjuks või õnneks oli tema mees Hans selleks ajaks surnud perekonnahaigusse tuberkuloosi, olles oma suhteliselt lühikese eluaja jooksul olnud edukas advokaat, põllumees, ajalehetoimetaja, korraks ka Riigikogu saadik. Korraks vaid sellepärast, et peale mõnda istungit Toompeal lahkus ta Riigikogust sõnadega: ,,Ennem lähen oma talusse sitta vedama, kui tulen siia loba ajama.''
Leeli talu sugupuu on paljuharuline, tema tegevuspuu aga lausa mets. Selles metsas on ettevõtlikkust, arukust, kunsti- ja kirjandusandeid, muusikaõpetajaid ja dirigente, arste, poliitikuid ja ärijuhte, kes kõik vaatasid kaugemale oma saapaninast ning olid tuntud sponsorid kultuuriinimestele. Eriline tung oli hariduse, õigemini harituse järele. Vanem vend Ants, kes Eestist lahkus Tartu Ülikooli juristidiplomiga, astus 60-aastaselt Toronto ülikooli statsionaari ja lõpetas selle hispaania keele alal. Keskmine vend Lembit Soots, kes sai Rootsis insenerihariduse, otsustas viiekümne-aastaselt Toronto Kunstiakadeemiasse astuda ning ärimehe kutse kõrval sai temast maalikunstnik ja ühiskonnategelane. Noorem vend Leo astus 40-aastaselt Tallinna Konservatooriumi ja lõpetas selle koorijuhina...
- Jaak Kõdar
Leeli Farm today...

Today, Leeli Farm is made up of grain crop and grass fields, forests, cattle, tractors, combines and many other necessary soil cultivating machines and tools. As well as an ever growing farm house that includes the late Lembit Soots' art gallery and a bed & breakfast.
On my journey, and while studying Aromatherapy I soon discovered the importance of being proactive in one’s health. I realize that most people really don’t think about it until they’ve become sick or adverse health issues occur. However, there are many people who are feeling generally unwell, low energy, lethargic, suffer from insomnia, or other disrupted sleep patterns and depression. Many others feel like there is really nowhere to turn to, except to pharmaceuticals for help as a solution. While in some cases conventional medicine may hold true, in others we know it can become a downward spiral of side effects, which in turn can make one's health worsen with more drugs to take for every new side effect. That is because conventional medicine in most cases treats the symptoms without first discovering the cause or the root of the problem.
Aromatherapy can be a very good starting point, along with Holistic Nutrition as it addresses the body, mind, and spirit. Meaning that it treats the body as a whole, healing from the inside out. Preventative methods and staying healthy should be at the top of everyone's list. When we're young and healthy we assume we have no reason to change anything we're doing. Whether it be the foods we eat, the habits we have or the thoughts we think. This, of course, is not true because we know that everything in our environment affects us. We all seem to be on autopilot and no one is really flying the plane. In other words, we all need encouragement to take responsibility and get in control of our health. We have to become proactive and look for new ways to approach our lifestyles.
I have had many experiences of healing the body Holistically with food, essential oils, and sharing my knowledge to help others heal as well. For those who are interested in being proactive in health and a healthy lifestyle, please book a free consultation on the booking page.